Learning Switches - Advanced
Consider the LAN below consisting of 10 computers connected by two self-learning Ethernet switches. (You may want to re-read section 6.4.3 in the text). At t=0 the switch table entries for both switches are empty. At t = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, a source sends to a destination as shown below, and the destination replies immediately (well before the next time step).
Question List
1. At t=4, what two nodes communicated? Write your answer in alphabetical order as x,y (If there is only enough information for 1 node, write that, and if there's no information, write 'n/a')
2. At t=8, what two nodes communicated? Write your answer in alphabetical order as x,y (If there is only enough information for 1 node, write that, and if there's no information, write 'n/a')
3. At t=1, what two nodes communicated? Write your answer in alphabetical order as x,y (If there is only enough information for 1 node, write that, and if there's no information, write 'n/a')
4. At t=5, what two nodes communicated? Write your answer in alphabetical order as x,y (If there is only enough information for 1 node, write that, and if there's no information, write 'n/a')
1. The transmission at t=4 was D-->H, so the answer is D,H.
2. The transmission at t=8 was A-->I, so the answer is A,I.
3. The transmission at t=1 was D-->H, so the answer is n/a.
4. The transmission at t=5 was A-->L, so the answer is L.
That's incorrect
That's correct
The answer was: D,H
The answer was: A,I
The answer was: n/a
The answer was: L